Thursday, 31 December 2020

Writing Off 2020 : A year of uncertainty

Coronavirus outbreak and 2020. Twenty-Twenty (2020) - a year full of reflection, gratefulness, chaotic, uncertainties, depression, stress, challenges, facing the ugly side of human behaviour, learning own capabilities... everyone has their own strory, own struggles, whether it's bad or good... there's always something to learn from it....

1.  What is the most important lesson you learned this year?
2.  What is the best thing that happened?
3.  What challenges did you overcome?
4.  What new skills did you learn?
5.  What did you do for your career growth?
6.  What did you enjoy the most?
7.  What was your favourite moment?
8.  How did you have fun?
9.  What new habits did you start?
10. What are you the most proud of this year?
11. What did you learn about yourself?
12. How did you live by your core values?
13. How did your relationships (family, friends, work) evolve?
14. What was the best decision you took?
15. How did you fail?
16. What got in the way of your success?
17. What would you do differently if you could?
18. How are you different than a year ago?
19. What did you do for your physical and mental health?
20. Who or what had the biggest impact on your life this year?
21. What did you let go of?
22. What were the most useful resources you had?
23. What are you thankful for this year?
24. What did you leave unfinished?
25. What was the best compliment you received?
26. If you were to talk about this year like a story, how would you write it?
27. How do you describe this year in 3 to 5 keywords?
28. What energised you? what drained you?
29. How kind were you to yourself?
30. What advice would you give your last-year self?

Extracted from instituteofyou

Hand-lettering with brush pen


- my 'BasQue Burnt Cheesecake' year, been experimenting with a lots of flavour 

- learning alot on baking cake techniques

- selling cakes

- first time making sugar cookies and royal icing deco

- first time making chocolate into other shapes

- first time making meringue cookies

- a year of me being stronger 

- a year of learning to walk away

- mentally draining and emotional year

- socially distancing with people and own friends

- thankful for those who stand by my side and understood me

- blessed & grateful

Wishing you a great 2021 ahead!