Sunday, 13 May 2012

Happy Momma's Day!

Hey lovelies,

Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's day yesterday. I am late one day sending my wishes but anyway, everyday is a Mother's day right and this special day is celebrated on different days and dates around the world but commonly takes place on the second Sunday in May. Mother's day falls on 13 May 2012 (second Sunday of the month) in Malaysia and majority of the other countries. So, here's a short wishes for all mommies out there. 

Happy Mother's Day

Special thoughts are being sent
and many wishes, too.
for all it takes to make
a Mothers Day full of joy for you.

Because you're lovingly thought about
so often throughout the year.
This loving greeting's being sent
now that Mothers Day here.

Source: say-it-in-verse

Thinking of sending a DIY Mother's Day card? I just made mine. Stay tune for the pics. ;)

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